Search: United States,Saudi Arabia (8 materials)

The Baneful Apocalyptic Triad of USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia

Sputnik Opinion Piece published on May 22, 2017 For someone who vowed to “eradicate radical Islamic terrorism” from the face of the earth on inauguration day, Flipper-in-Chief Donald J. Trump’s first trip abroad as US president was to Saudi Arabia where, he peddled arms worth $350 billion over a decade. Trump effectively blessed Saudi Arabia as a pillar of moderate Islam as part of his “Muslim reset”. One Arab writer even hailed Saudi-US ties as one that “shaped the wider world” ...


Donald Trump: The 'Unreliable Flip-Flop Loser' President Who 'Lacks Stamina'

Within three days of a bizarre chemical gas poisoning incident in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, the United States ratcheted up its global judge, jury and executioner role by firing a salvo of Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airbase that was used to combat Daesh terrorists.  No due process or investigation was sought; not even a declaration of war ...


Crowdfunding with the enemy

... approval of Iran, who want to increase production and earn hard currency. What the media claimed to be a "done deal" will never become operational because it is just talk, social conversation. Iran will never agree to align with its enemy Saudi Arabia and its ally, the United States. After the hype Brent Crude on February 16th fell 4% in value. You can click this link to find a graphic example of the confusion. The legacy of John Poindexter's Policy Analysis Market While working as a consultant for the ...


The smog of war

President Barack Obama, seeking to shape his legacy, said that COP 21 makes the United States, which did not ratify the earlier Kyoto Protocol, “the world leader in fighting climate change.” But Obama will not be around to lead the COP 21 fight, which is not scheduled to start until 2020. By that time another U.S. president ...


There Is No Logical Argument Against the Iran Nuclear Deal

... not initiated one single invasion since this regime took power. Yes, it has used terrorism and non-state militia actors to further its interests, but so has pretty much every Middle Eastern country (including American allies like Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia) as well as the United States in recent decades. Iran has also cooperated with the U.S. against the Talbian, al-Qaeda, and, most recently, against ISIS. And Iran’s foreign policy record has been less the unpredictable, dangerous type and more like the Soviet Union’s,...


In Time, Expect Big Changes in America's Middle East Relationships

... since WWI, what will America do now? Going forward, here’s what we can expect: 1.) America will try very hard to distance itself from the Gulf. It’s amazing that it’s taken us so long to realize how much our money going into Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf states comes back to haunt us: though Joe Biden recently got in trouble for saying so, support for ISIS and other Islamic extremists and terrorists from very wealthy individuals motivated by the Saudi state-sponsored ...


The ISIS Crisis and the faiblesse of global governance

... popular, which means congressional support for more defense spending. Nobody can even agree on the name of the group the United States coalition is fighting. Obama calls it “ISIL”. The New York Times and USA Today call it “ISIS.” ... ... than ISIS because, as a political and religious institution, it has been around longer, and has long held the goal of removing Saudi Arabia as the center of world Islam. Days before that statement, in a Wall Street Journal teaser article promoting his ...


FIFA, sports diplomacy and the Bout connection

... Ukraine and Syria dominating media coverage, billions of dollars are moving around to influence the outcomes in those crises. Much of that money comes from sources who have a stake in the outcome of the FIFA investigation; Qatar and their arch rival Saudi Arabia, the United States which has pivoted to a Cold War-style posturing and Russia, which western media sets up as the “bad actor” in the Ukraine situation. Add Edward Snowden and Victor Bout to the mix and Octoberfest becomes Propgandafest. Because ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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