Search: Saudi Arabia,Madagascar,Recep Tayyip Erdogan (1 material)

The ISIS Crisis and the faiblesse of global governance

... Henry Kissinger, who commended RIAC members during discussions a few months ago, recently posited that Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS because, as a political and religious institution, it has been around longer, and has long held the goal of removing Saudi Arabia as the center of world Islam. Days before that statement, in a Wall Street Journal teaser article promoting his new book, Kissinger warned that the current world order is collapsing. He used the word “governance” several times ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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