Search: China,Asia-Pacific,Russia,USA (15 materials)


A Monsoon Instead of a Gentle Breeze: Creeping Nuclearization in the Asia-Pacific

... visit to Moscow , India confirmed its defence cooperation with Russia. Naturally, the jointly devised nuclear-capable supersonic ... ... Islamabad’s nuclear program is traditionally alleged to be backed by China. Pakistan has been set to overcome New Delhi’s demographic ... ... On the other hand, certain individual mid-level powers in the Asia-Pacific region also show certain behavioral similarities. ... ... consequential visits by Ohio-class submarines to the port of Busan, a Nuclear Consultative Group was established, primarily ...


Spokes versus Axes: Modalities of Regional Security in Northeast Asia

Washington intends to cash in on the topic of alleged military-technological cooperation between Russia and the DPRK or China and the DPRK, in order to build anti-Russian and anti-Chinese sentiments in the Republic of Korea and Japan In foreign ... ... should close their ranks even more. Such reasoning is constructed for some alternative reality as it suffers from a lack of causality. More so, it is absolutely unclear why the formats of cooperation between “liberal democracies” are so much better ...


Taking (Another) Turn to the East: Making Sense of Russia’s Stance in the Asia-Pacific

For Russia’s ambitions to be realized, one has to admit the mistakes ... ... making another pivot to the so-called Global East. Most of the Asia-Pacific forms an integral part of the mentioned area. The ... ... in this direction, specifically focusing on the role of Russia-China “no limits” partnership. Regardless of the shared values ... ... been struggling to balance on a fine line between avoiding accusations of directly helping Russia and sticking to its commitment ...


Waterworld: Moscow Betting on the South China Sea

Keeping a low profile does not necessarily mean indifference Troubled waters in South China Sea The waters of the South China Sea are troubled. The latest weeks have not been that quiet in that geopolitical area.... ... believes this to be a covert operation in order to spy on the Chinese military infrastructure and ships. Ivan Timofeev: Sino-Russian Relations Are Still Not an Alliance, but They Are More Than Partnership Russia’s stake in the wrangle Located thousands of kilometers away, Russia may look like a full-fledged outsider of this dispute. Still waters run deep. Back in 2016, ...


Experts Discuss the Near Future of the Asia Pacific Region

At the final event of the year dedicated to the Asia Pacific, leading Russian researchers of the field shared their assessments of the most significant trends of 2020 and tried to forecast regional ... ... Director of Programs, spoke about the role of sanctions in contemporary world, particularly stressing the increasingly acute U.S.–China rivalry. He noted that although the COVID-19 might have been expected to unite the nations, it only exacerbated the divide ...


How Does Canberra Implement Its Role as a Regional Power with Global Interests

Interview with Peter Tesch, Ambassador of Australia to the Russian Federation What are the features of Australia’s approach to the conception of Indo-Pacific? What perspectives does Australia see for the Quad? Is China mainly a partner or a competitor to Australia? What place should Russia take in world politics? His Excellency Mr Peter Tesch , Ambassador of Australia to the Russian Federation, shares his thoughts on these and other issues. Anton Tsvetov: Australia,...


China and the US in Asia: Four Scenarios for the Future

Washington consensus 2.0 / China–India Axis / Multipolar balance of power / New bipolarity A few months ago,... ... scenarios for Europe’s future depending on the possible development trajectories of Russia and the EU through 2024. The scenario matrix for Greater Europe was built along... ... greater, far more complex, and far more fragmented continent than Europe. There are no thousands of years of common history, no clearly dominant religion, no apparent analogue...


Indo-Pacific or Community of Common Destiny?

... American one should be mentioned. The Indo-Pacific in one way or another implies a split in the Eurasian continent, since neither China, nor Russia, nor other continental states of Eurasia fit into the construct. Moreover, restricting the American vision to maritime ... ... region, thus reducing their vision of the Indo-Pacific to a thinly scattered collection of loosely related agreements between the USA with its traditional Asia-Pacific partners. It would not be an exaggeration to say that for the present, and moreover for the future, a partnership ...


Russia, China and the US in the Asia-Pacific — Is Cooperation Possible? RIAC City Breakfast at the Fyodor Dostoyevsky Library

The lecture was followed by a discussion, during which the participants had a chance to ask questions On June 15, 2017, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held the next in the series of “city breakfasts” at the Fyodor Dostoyevsky Library.... ... Denisov, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for International Studies at MGIMO University, gave a lecture titled “Russia, China and the US in the Asia-Pacific — is cooperation possible?” Having considered the economic and political importance of the Asia-Pacific, both ...


2017 Foreign Policy Outlook

... fundamentally new solutions to the accumulated problems. Where Does the Power Come From? It is quite obvious that the tone of Russia’s foreign policy in 2017 will be dictated by the country’s relations with the United States. Donald Trump’s victory ... ... government is not only hostile towards the United States, but it is also leaning towards closer cooperation with Beijing. Trump views China as a strategic challenge. After all, it will be extremely difficult for the United States to keep hold of its international ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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