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Fyodor Voytolovsky

Director of IMEMO RAS, RIAC member

Is nuclear war possible today? What needs to be done today to prevent nuclear war in the future? Will the recent election have an impact on US arms control policy? Director, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Corresponding Member, RAS; Professor, RAS (Russia); Member of the International Advisory Council of the Luxembourg Forum answers these and other most pressing issues of the nuclear security and arms control today.
Is nuclear war possible today? What needs to be done today to prevent nuclear war in the future? Will the recent election have an impact on US arms control policy? Director, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Corresponding Member, RAS; Professor, RAS (Russia); Member of the International Advisory Council of the Luxembourg Forum answers these and other most pressing issues of the nuclear security and arms control today.

Source: LuxembourgForum on YouTube

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