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In this issue you will find: World in Moderation,  Chinese military developments,  US government control over Internet,  European Leadership Network, Arab Spring,  outsourcing of jobs to China, Crisis in the EU,  Global Governance Report Card.



The 5th Issue of Newsletter of Kuala Lumpur-based Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMOMF) the “World in Moderation” was published on the 22nd of February. The GMOMF mission is to foster peace between nations by promoting moderation and fighting religious extremism. The Newsletter is available here.




In his article in The Diplomat Andrew S. Erickson, professor at the U.S. Naval War College and a research associate at Harvard’s Fairbank Center, analyzes recently published the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)’s annual report on Chinese military developments. According to Dr. Erickson, the 2013 report is “better than ever” and it “continues a tradition of detailed, sophisticated, publicly-available U.S. government analysis”.


In his latest article published by the 4th Media Andre Damon (WSWS) criticizes Obama administration for its alleged support for a law that would force Google, Facebook and other Internet communications companies to build back doors for government wiretaps. The author also provides an overview of previous initiatives of the US government aimed at strengthening its control over Internet.



A London-based non-partisan, non-profit organization European Leadership Network (ELN) has recently launched its new web-page. ELN sees it mission in creating conditions for a world without nuclear weapons. Here you can read latest articles published by ELN:

1. In Israel, Iran, and the Middle East Conference on a WMD Free Zone, Bernd Kubbig and Christian Weidlich argue that there is still hope for holding a WMDFZ Conference in the Middle East.

2. In Obama's missile defence flexibility: What could, and should, it mean?, Ivanka Barzashka sets out 6 possibilities on what US 'flexibility' could mean in missile defence negotiations with Russia.

3. In The Euro-Atlantic Area in Obama’s Second term, Ulrich Weisser considers the place of Europe in President Obama`s second term foreign policy agenda.



In his latest article, published in Foreign Policy blogs, Fadi F. Elhusseini analyzes the complex nature of Arab Spring and tries to answer the question, whether it is a “Conspiracy Theory or National Will”. 





In another article published by Other News Wolf Richter criticizes the airlines policy of outsourcing aircraft maintenance jobs to China and other countries with cheaper labor. The author points out the danger of such policy and provides a range of examples of incidents which have already occurred allegedly due to low quality of maintenance performed by Chinese companies.




In his personal column Roberto Savio, the publisher of Other News, shares his thoughts on economic crisis in Europe and argues that current weakness of the EU, paired with eurosceptic sentiments in Germany, Italy and other countries, might lead to the death of “European Dream”.





The Council on Foreign Relations has launched Global Governance Report Card which grades international performance in addressing today's most daunting challenges. The project seeks to inspire innovative and effective responses from global and U.S. policymakers to address them.

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